2014 CCJ Spring Symposium Recap

While the 2014 CCJ Spring Symposium in Nashville Tenn. concluded May 23rd, many of the topics covered by the panels and keynotes speakers, Tucker Carlson and Dr. Michio Kaku, remain relevant. Below are summaries of five of the symposium highlights. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] TCA Chairman Dunn: Image critical to future success In […]
5 Ideas For Recruiting Drivers Through Events

As we all know, drivers are in high demand. Every fleet in the country is looking to recruit as many drivers as they can from a very limited pool of potential employees. It’s a tough time to be a driver recruiter. However that doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful. It just means that you […]
3 Ways to Recruit Truck Drivers at Events

Undoubtedly you recruit most of your drivers from online sources. This is inevitable. If you depend on any other medium to keep your trucks on the road, you have a world of hurt headed your way. But in this online-only world it is easy to forget that digital channels aren’t the only ways to find […]