Recruiting Truck Drivers on Mobile Devices

In today’s world to stay competitive your truck driver recruiting needs to be mobile-friendly. The era when mobile-friendliness was simply an option to consider adding to your truck driver recruiting is over. So what steps do you need to take to make sure your recruiting efforts are optimized to reach drivers on mobile devices? That’s […]
Why Aren’t Your Truck Driver Recruiting Landing Pages Generating More Leads?

Many fleets, perhaps yours included, aren’t getting the conversions they expect out of their recruiting landing pages. So, what’s the problem? They’re getting the traffic. Drivers are making it to the landing page, but for some reason they just aren’t taking the next step. What’s the problem? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about […]
The Power of Mobile-First Recruiting

Smartphones are everywhere these days. Don’t believe me? Look around you. How many people are using their smartphones right now? How many have smartphones on their desks or in their pockets or purses? You may even be reading this article on a smartphone. 77% of Americans own smartphones and that is too big of a […]
3 Tips for Recruiters Building Mobile Landing Pages

There is no doubt commercial truck driver demographics show an aging workforce. It’s one of the biggest concerns for the industry over the next 10 to 20 years. While drivers may be aging, they are still adapting to new technologies and media habits. We’ve seen big changes in technology usage over the past few years, […]
5 Essential Statistics for Recruiting More Owner-Operators

Surveys estimate there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were in 2008. But of course the shortage is just the beginning of your problems. We have compiled the 5 most important statistics from the 2014 Overdrive Connectivity Study to help you recruit owner-operators. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] […]
Part 1 of 3: Stats About Company Drivers Every Recruiter Needs to Know
Hopefully you have already downloaded the 2014 Company Driver Connectivity Study and read it thoroughly. If you haven’t, go ahead and do that. Its fine. I’ll wait…. You’re back? Great! So now you have all of this knowledge about how company drivers consume content, use the internet, and look for jobs. The next step is […]
5 Key Takeaways From the 2014 Company Driver Connectivity Report
For most fleets, the bulk of your driver employees are probably made up of company drivers and not owner-operators. Not only are there more company drivers, but they are also much easier to recruit than their truck owning counterparts. Just knowing you need to recruit company drivers is not enough. Research can provide you with […]