What’s Your Recruiting Win?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Over the years Randall-Reilly has worked with countless fleets in the never-ending struggle to find drivers. Unfortunately, one common thing that most fleets tend to focus on when it comes to recruiting is cost. I know it’s hard to focus on anything other than cost, but you have to […]
Why Aren’t You Reaching Your Recruiting Goals?

Nothing is more frustrating than putting time, effort, and money into your recruiting and still falling well short of your goals. Unfortunately, this is a feeling that many trucking fleets know all to well. Fleets want drivers. They need drivers. You need drivers. And there are drivers out there. So, why are so many finding […]
Get the Drivers You Need with Goal-Oriented Recruiting Campaigns

How does your recruiting measure up? Your aim is to reach the right drivers with your messaging, and hopefully persuade them to drive for you, not the competition. That’s why setting real, tangible goals for your campaigns is so vital. Having a clear goal to strive for can help guide your efforts. Goal-oriented campaigns allow […]
6 Tips for Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

In the not-too-distant past, there would have been a need to devote this first paragraph to proving the prevalence of mobile phones. But these days, you can see for yourself. Smartphones have gone from being a luxury to a necessity for the general public. 77% of Americans are smartphone owners. And that percentage includes drivers. […]
Why Isn’t Your Recruiting Landing Page Generating More Conversions?

Landing pages have come to serve a vital role in the digital age of driver recruiting. The whole purpose of landing pages is to help drive leads and conversions. In a perfect world, a prospective driver finds their way to your landing page (whether through search ads, social media, etc.) and once there, they’re presented […]
Winning at Truck Driver Recruiting With Performance Marketing

Performance marketing has changed the way modern marketers are approaching digital marketing and it’s easy to see why. For years marketers actually paid in advance for the ad placements with absolutely no guarantee as to how effective it would be. The primary goal was to get it in front of as many eyes as possible […]
Don’t Let Inefficiency Kill Your Recruiting

The competition between fleets over qualified drivers can be fierce. Fleets have tried everything from sign-on bonuses, higher pay rates, and even more time off the road to try and entice prospective drivers and gain a competitive edge. Over the past few months we’ve looked at a few possible solutions recruiters could embrace to secure […]
The 2 Pronged Approach to Recruiting Diesel Techs

We all know fleets are hurting for drivers right now, but there is another area that fleets are struggling with as well. As important as it is to find drivers to man the trucks and keep them moving, it’s just as important to have qualified diesel techs to maintain those trucks. With increased competition from […]
What Does a Randall-Reilly Recruiting Campaign Look Like?

You’re in a bind. You have empty trucks just sitting there, and money’s flying out the door. You need drivers. You need your phones ringing off the hook. You need a plan. Sound familiar? We feel you! We hear some variation of this conundrum every day from clients across the country who are desperate to […]
Driver Recruiting for Your Terminals: An Interview with Geno Dykes
Coming from a journalism background, I have always enjoyed interviewing people. Interviews provide a great opportunity to enlighten both the reader and myself. Not only do interviews enhance an article with real, expert insights, but I have always been able to leave with a much deeper knowledge of the subject matter. Unfortunately, I haven’t been […]