2 Calls – 1 Recruiter. Does a Year Make a Difference? (Part 2) | Listening In with Seth

Last month we asked the question, are you any better at your job today than you were a year ago? Seth was joined by special guest, Scott Maldonado, as they began listening to the first of two driver recruiting calls by the same recruiter, recorded about a year apart. Today, we listen to the second call and see if that recruiter has improved at all over that one-year period.
2 Calls – 1 Recruiter. Does a Year Make a Difference? (Part 1) | Listening In with Seth

Seth is joined by Scott Maldonado to listen to not one, but two calls. Together they’ll listen to how the same recruiter handles two different calls about a year apart. Does the year really make a difference in the recruiter’s performance or the outcome of the call? Has the recruiter improved in any way? Or … are they just going through the motions? Watch to find out what the guys have to say.
Monthly Driver Recruiting Trends for November 2022

Get all the latest vital driver recruiting metrics with Randall Reilly’s Monthly Driver Recruiting Trends for November 2022.
Monthly Driver Recruiting Trends for October 2022

In the past 12 months, the network of unique driver recruiting landing pages maintained by Randall Reilly has been visited by over 6.75 million users. 5.88 million users visited using a mobile device, 790k visited using a computer, and 127k visited using a tablet.
Yard Jockeys Ep. 6 | “The Great Trucking Rebrand” w/ Guests: Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman

Seth Becker joins the show as Dave welcomes Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman, from the Chad & Cheese Podcast, to talk about the ins and outs of recruiting. They put their heads together to try and figure out trucking’s problem, and come up with a possible solution. It’s time for trucking to undergo a rebrand!
May 2022 – Driver Recruiting Trends

The May 2022 Driver Recruiting Trend Report is sourced from truck driver recruiting campaigns managed by Randall Reilly. Recent trends are detailed below in an effort to review driver employment activity.
March 2022 – Driver Recruiting Trends

March 2022 Driver Recruiting Trends. The following metrics are sourced from truck driver recruiting campaigns managed by Randall Reilly. Recent trends are detailed below in an effort to review driver employment activity.
February 2022 Monthly Driver Recruiting Trends

January’s overall average cost per lead (CPL) dropped 11% month-over-month (MoM) to its second lowest level since last March (only August’s was lower). Through the first half of February[1], average CPL is on pace to decline further, but historically the trend has been for lead costs to tick upwards in the back half of the month.
All Things Search | Digging Deeper

In this episode, Dave sits down with Randall-Reilly’s VP, Strategic Accounts, Aaron Mowrey. Together they take a deep into the world of search engine marketing. From general to branded to competitive search, the guys talk about the pros and cons of various search marketing techniques and go over how to choose what’s right for your fleet. Join us now as we discuss all things search!
Quick Driver Recruiting Tips from Quarantine – Tip #2

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] David is back with another quick tip from quarantine! How many leads should you be supplying to your driver recruiters? Dave knows the answer. Watch and find out more. Miss the first tip? You can find it here.