Tackling the Complexities of Paid Search Advertising

These days, the power of paid search advertising (also known as pay-per-click) is no secret. According to a Forrester Research company known as Jupiter Research, 81% of users find their desired destination through a search engine. So there’s no doubt about the wide usage of search engines. What may not be widely known is the […]
Winning at Truck Driver Recruiting With Performance Marketing

Performance marketing has changed the way modern marketers are approaching digital marketing and it’s easy to see why. For years marketers actually paid in advance for the ad placements with absolutely no guarantee as to how effective it would be. The primary goal was to get it in front of as many eyes as possible […]
Young Truck Drivers Are the Key to the Future

Over the past few months we’ve covered the driver shortage a number of times and the current state of the trucking industry. Recruiters are facing difficulties getting the necessary qualified drivers to keep up with the current demand . . . and that demand is only increasing as time goes on. The shortage and the […]
Is the Fear of Spending Too Much Holding Your Driver Recruiting Back?

Trying to nail down the best way to recruit truck drivers can be a tricky proposition. The world we live in is changing rapidly, and so is the way we communicate. Since the introduction of the internet we’ve seen a boom in technological advances and a shift in the way we live our lives. It’s […]
4 Basic SEO Questions for Driver Recruiters

Understanding how truck drivers apply for jobs is an important part of driver recruiting. It’s key to understanding this niche audience within the trucking industry. From there, recruiters can build and optimize the right campaigns to generate quality truck driver leads. Research shows that internet search is the most common tool used by company drivers […]
5 Ways Randall-Reilly Can Help You Get Noticed By Truck Drivers

Common Scenario: A driver sits at his computer with the intention of finding a possible job opportunity. He tries a few new sites but doesn’t go as deep into his hunt as he wants to because he isn’t sure exactly where to look. What if he didn’t have to look hard? What if your ads […]
The Top 4 Channels for Distributing Your Driver Recruiting Content

In today’s driver recruiting marketplace, fleets need drivers and they need them now. It’s a tough marketplace, but you already know that. What you want to know is where can you find a competitive edge. One underutilized tools, for driver recruiters is content marketing. It’s one of the best ways for fleets to engage drivers […]
Driver Recruiting 101: The Key to Timely Recruiting

In driver recruiting, timeliness is everything. It’s the difference between a driver recruiter getting the new hires they need to get trucks back on the road, and increasing their cost-per-hire exponentially. As a driver recruiter, you need to reach the right driver with the right message at the right time. If you can do that, […]
3 Ways to Use Content Marketing to Recruit More Drivers
Driver recruiters, you are awesome. For about a decade, you have had to fight and scrape to keep your fleets fully staffed, despite driver turnover hitting between 70 to 120% and shrinking budgets. But that doesn’t mean you can relax. The industry outlook isn’t improving. That means you need to find new, more effective ways […]
5 Key Takeaways From the 2014 Company Driver Connectivity Report
For most fleets, the bulk of your driver employees are probably made up of company drivers and not owner-operators. Not only are there more company drivers, but they are also much easier to recruit than their truck owning counterparts. Just knowing you need to recruit company drivers is not enough. Research can provide you with […]