5 Savvy Ways to Recruit Diesel Techs
In her 1996 hit single, Paula Cole wondered ‘where have all the cowboys gone?’ Not to diminish the importance of cowboys, or their whereabouts, but a more pertinent question today is: Where have all the diesel techs gone? There’s no denying the diesel tech shortage is a real and urgent thing. Not enough young folks […]
Driver Recruiting Techniques: Keeping Up with the Times
It’s truly remarkable how drastically the world of driver recruiting has changed – just in the last few years. Long gone are the relatively straightforward pre-internet days, when recruiters relied on print ads, truck stop brochures, radio spots, billboards… and to a lesser extent Burt Reynolds and all his Smokey and the Bandit, bootleg Coors […]
3 Stats About Contractor Social Media Usage
Social media is a massive community of people. And even the most conservative estimates show that over 2 billion people use social media regularly. That means over 25% of all human beings use social media. Mind blown, huh? Ok, so those are big numbers. But what about your audience of contractors? I mean, there are […]
3 New Ways to Generate More Driver Applications
Fleets need to recruit more drivers. That’s the one maxim that defines the driver recruiting marketplace. There just aren’t enough drivers to meet the needs of expanding fleets. Expanding your fleet or even meeting the demands of the driver shortage can result in added pressure for driver recruiters. But it doesn’t have to mean more […]
The Top 4 Channels for Distributing Your Driver Recruiting Content
In today’s driver recruiting marketplace, fleets need drivers and they need them now. It’s a tough marketplace, but you already know that. What you want to know is where can you find a competitive edge. One underutilized tools, for driver recruiters is content marketing. It’s one of the best ways for fleets to engage drivers […]
3 Time Tested Ways to Build Driver Awareness
Drivers are constantly being bombarded with job ads. This is a fundamental truth for today’s trucking industry. There is a high demand for qualified drivers, but there just aren’t enough people entering the workforce to keep up. For every truck that is sitting idle, fleets are losing thousands of dollars. That means that every fleet […]
Recruiting Owner-Operators: What’s Your Social Media Strategy?
If your fleet needs to hire owner-operators, you have to build the right recruiting campaigns to accomplish this win. The only way you can build the right recruiting campaign is by knowing exactly how your audience is consuming media. As the third and final part of our series on recruiting owner-operators (the other posts you […]
5 Essential Statistics for Recruiting More Owner-Operators
Surveys estimate there are a third fewer owner-operators on the road right now than there were in 2008. But of course the shortage is just the beginning of your problems. We have compiled the 5 most important statistics from the 2014 Overdrive Connectivity Study to help you recruit owner-operators. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] […]
3 Ways to Use Content Marketing to Recruit More Drivers
Driver recruiters, you are awesome. For about a decade, you have had to fight and scrape to keep your fleets fully staffed, despite driver turnover hitting between 70 to 120% and shrinking budgets. But that doesn’t mean you can relax. The industry outlook isn’t improving. That means you need to find new, more effective ways […]
5 Key Takeaways From the 2014 Company Driver Connectivity Report
For most fleets, the bulk of your driver employees are probably made up of company drivers and not owner-operators. Not only are there more company drivers, but they are also much easier to recruit than their truck owning counterparts. Just knowing you need to recruit company drivers is not enough. Research can provide you with […]