Hiring Mechanics: What We’ve Learned | Digging Deeper

On this episode of Digging Deeper, Dave and his guests will cover the ins and outs of AI and how it’s being utilized in today’s business landscape. From predictive analytics, to machine learning, to large language models (LLMs), our team discusses what’s available, how it can be used, and how some out there may be distorting what is involved with their AI approach.
Research: The Guide to Hiring Experienced Technicians

Our latest research, “How to Hire Experienced Technicians” is your best resource for discovering why you may be having challenges in hiring technicians, and how to overcome them.
The Guide to Best Hiring Practices eBook

With this eBook you can gain a deeper understanding of the hiring life cycle and revitalize your talent acquisition efforts.
Are You Using Employee Video Testimonials??? | Recruiting Roundup

Everyone knows that video should be at least a part of your talent acquisition efforts, but few realize just how valuable video employee testimonials can be. Watch to find out more NOW!!!
Looking for Patterns of Positivity in Your Recruiting Calls | Listening In

Today on Listening In, instead of listening to calls we’ll be reviewing a different kind of recruiting communication – emails. Learn from their mistakes!!!
Don’t Fall for These AI Grifts | Digging Deeper

On this episode of Digging Deeper, Dave and his guests will cover the ins and outs of AI and how it’s being utilized in today’s business landscape. From predictive analytics, to machine learning, to large language models (LLMs), our team discusses what’s available, how it can be used, and how some out there may be distorting what is involved with their AI approach.
Epic Email Fails | Listening In

Today on Listening In, instead of listening to calls we’ll be reviewing a different kind of recruiting communication – emails. Learn from their mistakes!!!
Tips to Reduce Your Time-to-Hire | Recruiting Roundup

Your time-to-hire (how long it takes to actually hire someone after they’ve applied) can have a huge impact on your talent acquisition success. Today on the Recruiting Roundup, we’ll talk about some ways you can reduce your time-to-hire and get the top tier talent you’re after.
How to Overcome Objections for Hard-to-Fill Jobs | Listening In

On this episode of Listening In, Seth reviews a call for one of those hard-to-fill jobs. He covers what he thinks went well and what didn’t, and most importantly – tells you exactly how you and your talent acquisition team can approach recruiting interactions about difficult jobs to achieve the most success.
Supercharge Your Talent Acquisition by Becoming Candidate-Centric | Recruiting Roundup

No matter what industry you’re in, there’s a lot of competition to land the best quality hires. To keep from falling behind you need to do whatever you can to stand out and set yourself apart. What better way is there to entice potential hires to choose you than to build your entire hiring process around them? It’s time to get the results you’re after and supercharge your talent acquisition by becoming candidate-centric.