3 Coronavirus Changes that Can Lead Fleets to Success Moving Forward

[acf field=”embed_code”] It goes without saying that lately has been a challenging time. But amidst all of the infections, death, and panic caused by the coronavirus outbreak, there have been extraordinary examples of kindness, goodness, and human decency. College students have mobilized and offered to help shop for the most vulnerable among us. Police departments […]
How Has the Coronavirus Changed Driver Recruiting?

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] The outbreak of coronavirus has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. It seems no business or industry has been left untouched. Driver recruiting is no exception. For this week’s Randall-Reilly Review I sat down to talk with Randall-Reilly’s VP of Trucking Operations, Scott Maldonado. Scott works with fleets all over […]
Coronavirus: A Conversation with CCJ’s Jason Cannon

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] The coronavirus pandemic has had a wide-reaching impact not only here in the United States but across the globe. The trucking industry, however, continues to roll on. But how have things changed since this whole thing began? Today, I sit down and have a conversation with CCJ editor, Jason Cannon, to […]