Top 10 things you need to know about recruiting drivers.

Finding and hiring qualified drivers is one of the fleet owner’s biggest challenges.

As the economy starts to recover the need to get those trucks rolling again is essential to your business’ success. Here are 10 tips to help you create the perfect driver-recruiting checklist:
CheckBoxWithCheckMark1. Have a strategy for targeting truck stops.

CheckBoxWithCheckMark2. Always include a click-to-call feature on digital advertising.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark3. Produce owned content to promote driver awareness.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark4. Implement a strategy for targeting social media.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark5. Include a search engine strategy.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark6. Keep your website up to date.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark7. Produce captivating, relevant content.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark8. Use data to target the right kind of driver.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark9. Don’t forget about the power of print.
CheckBoxWithCheckMark10. Make your drivers ambassadors for your brand.

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