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I recently wrote an article called Reducing the Friction in Your Recruiting. Throughout the article I discussed various ways you might try to streamline your recruiting process and run more efficiently. Within the article I mentioned a few of the methods Randall-Reilly has developed to help people just like you meet their recruiting goals.
Over the years through partnerships and acquisitions of companies like Smart Rhino Labs, Randall-Reilly has been able to develop and offer highly effective data-driven techniques designed to aid lead nurturing in truck driver recruiting. One of those techniques is LeadConnect. Today I’d like to dive a little deeper into LeadConnect and the various options now available to you.
It is important to note that while the LeadConnect techniques were originally designed to help fleets tackle driver recruiting, efforts are currently being made to expand and apply the various LeadConnect strategies we will discuss for use in other industries as well. So, if you find yourself reading this article and don’t happen to be in the trucking or recruiting business, all is not lost. Reach out to us and we can put you in touch with a specialist to evaluate your situation and needs to see if LeadConnect is a viable option for you.
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What is LeadConnect?
LeadConnect was developed around the simple idea of helping you get in contact with more of your leads faster. By cutting down on the response time your likelihood of conversion grows. You have a much higher chance of landing drivers if you’re able to reach them within the first five minutes after they’ve submitted a form or tried to contact you.
The problem that arises is that most fleets simply aren’t equipped to handle this type of speed when it comes to lead response time. So, you end up with a multitude of leads that grow cold, some of which your recruiting teams may never even get to at all. That’s where LeadConnect comes in.
The whole point of LeadConnect is to take that pressure and burden off of your recruiting staff. The basic idea is that the LeadConnect team does the hard work for you. Their team establishes contact and can even begin the process by walking them through application or qualification questions of your choosing. But there are also various options available to you should you choose to go with a LeadConnect campaign. Those options and different approaches are what I’d like to go over today.
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Call/SMS Connect Campaign
Let’s start with a call/sms connect campaign. This type of campaign would typically be recommended for those with a very strict hiring radius or those fleets with smaller recruiting departments who may not be able to handle a high volume of inbound calls.
How Does it Work?
Call/SMS campaigns start by finding prospects within the client’s defined target area who register with a site like looking for work. The prospect’s contact information is then used to send a text message (SMS campaign) or start an outbound-dial (Call campaign).
When called a prospect is given the choice to connect and hear more information or simply opt-out and unsubscribe. If they choose to hear more they are presented with your fleet’s specific messaging. When the message is over the prospect can continue and be routed directly to your recruiting staff.
Should text messages be used, they will be sent a message containing all of the necessary information about your fleet, and if they call they will be routed directly to your recruiting department.
This simple yet effective campaign approach allows your recruiters to be directly connected with drivers meeting your criteria who are looking for work in your hiring area. Not only does it take some of the pressure off your recruiting staff, but it ensures that the prospects they do talk to are interested and looking for more information.
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Complete Connect Campaign
What if you already have a ton of leads that you were just never able to reach or do anything with? Well, Complete Connect may be for you. You provide any partial apps or stale leads and the LeadConnect team targets them with automated phone calls in an attempt to establish contact.
How Does it Work?
The Complete Connect campaign is for those trying to initiate contact with a backlog of cold leads. After all, you paid for those leads so why should you let them go to waste? If the prospect answers the automated call they hear a company specific message and are given the option to move forward by being transferred directly to your recruiting department or simply hang up.
Complete Connect campaigns are all about helping you get the most out of the leads you already have. Setting up automated calls that allow hard to reach prospects to connect directly to your recruiters allows your team to focus on newer leads while not completely abandoning and wasting the leads you’ve generated in the past.
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Real-Time Connect Campaign
The Real-Time Connect approach builds off of what we’ve already discussed. The major difference here is that instead of focusing on stale leads like the Complete Connect campaign, Real-Time Connect targets the leads as they come in.
How Does it Work?
Real-Time Connect campaigns are initiated after a driver completes a short form app on a given website. The information provided is used to set up an automated sms text that is designed to help warm up the lead. Less than a minute after the text is received the prospect is called and presented with the automated messaging specific to your fleet.
Once again they have the option to connect and be transferred directly to your recruiting department or disconnect from the call. Should the applicant be unavailable and the call is sent to voicemail a voicemail message will be left and an unsuccessful connect sms text message will follow-up.
Once again the idea is to do all you can to take advantage of leads and pressure off of your recruiting staff. This method targets all new leads with messaging to help cut down on response time and keep the lead from ever-growing cold to begin with.
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Live Connect Campaign
The final campaign option I’d like to go over is called Live Connect campaigns. This approach takes things a step even further by targeting old leads, new leads from websites, and leads from multi-carrier apps you choose.
How Does it Work?
The major difference in Live Connect campaigns and all the other options I’ve covered is the aspect of a real live operator being involved. This is a way to further ensure that any leads that your recruiting staff comes into contact with are in fact interested and perhaps more importantly qualified. Live agents call prospects and take them through a pre-screening process.
The questions asked are determined by you to help filter out any candidates who may not meet your criteria. These “knockout” questions can be as general or company specific as you like. If the prospect does not meet all the prerequisites you set forward they are disqualified and the live agent moves on to new prospects. If the prospective driver does meet all your criteria, the agent will introduce and transfer the prospective driver to one of your recruiters. If a form submission to your applicant tracking system would be helpful, that can typically be accommodated as well.
Do you only want your recruiters handling calls on completed applications? Live connect can also pre-qualify drivers over-the-phone and email the qualified ones your long-form application, inviting them to fill it out as soon as possible.
A Live Connect campaign allows you to target all leads, whether old and stale or brand new, and connect drivers with a live human being. As effective as automated calls and texts are, putting prospective drivers on the line with a live agent right off the bat helps to speed things along. This process allows agents to remove a lot of the guesswork from your recruiting efforts.
The Live Connect team attempts to reach each of your leads up to three times in an effort to maximize contact rate. They dial thousands of your leads so your recruiters don’t have to; and asking them your specific screening questions helps find the best prospects and connect them directly to your recruiting team.
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Getting Started with LeadConnect
The team behind LeadConnect and all the various iterations of campaigns available have worked hard to figure out the best way to reach the right candidates for any given fleet. In the end it all comes down to what works best for you. Where do you struggle? Are stale leads piling up? Are you having trouble getting to new leads quickly? Whatever your struggle and whoever your target, working with Randall-Reilly and the LeadConnect team can help get the most out of your leads and make sure your recruiting team reach the most qualified drivers.
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Do you need to shorten response time and increase lead closes?
LeadConnect can help.
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Do you need to shorten response time and increase lead closes?
LeadConnect can help.
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Do you need to shorten response time and increase lead closes?
LeadConnect can help.
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Do you need to shorten response time and increase lead closes?
LeadConnect can help.
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