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Will the World End Friday? It Would Without Trucks.

According to the Mayans, this Friday, Dec. 21, 2012, will be the Apocalypse, the complete and final destruction of the world. While the imminent end of the world is dubious at best, one thing is certain: If the nation’s 3 million trucks were to stop running, the world as we know it would grind to a halt.
That’s the premise of Truckpocalypse.  What is Truckpocalypse, you ask? It’s an infographic that walks you through the chaos that  would ensue in the days and weeks after trucks stop. For example:

  • After three hours, major gas stations would run out of fuel, manufacturers would face component shortages and hospitals would run out of critical supplies;
  • After one day, grocery stores would have shortages of food;
  • After several days, garbage would pile up, threatening health and the environment, the airlines would stop, and consumers would begin to panic over shortages.

Truckpocalypse was created by Trucker Classifieds, a new website devoted to helping truck drivers find local driving jobs, using data from the American Trucking Association. Trucker Classifieds is a product of Recruiting Media, a division of Randall-Reilly, which has a suite of driver recruiting services including more than 30 websites dedicated to helping match truck drivers with good driving jobs.
“We created Truckpocalypse to illustrate the importance of the trucking industry to the nation’s economy and to our entire way of life,” says Scott Miller, senior vice president, sales at Randall-Reilly. “We hope it will make people pause and remember that if they have it, a truck brought it.”
Download and share Truckpocalypse. And remember, without trucks, America stops!