Chad Sowash is a former Army Infantry drill sergeant who began his career in recruitment in 1998 with Online Career Center, which would launch a year later as Monster.com.

Joel Cheesman worked with one of the original job boards in the 1990’s, eSpan. He went on to continue his recruiting journey with JobOptions, CareerBoard, Jobing, and Recruiting.com.
Today on Yard Jockeys
Seth Becker joins the show as Dave welcomes Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman, from the Chad & Cheese Podcast, to talk about the ins and outs of recruiting. They put their heads together to try and figure out trucking’s problem and come up with a possible solution. It’s time for trucking to undergo a rebrand!
Learn More About Chad & Cheese!
For more information about Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman, AKA Chad & Cheese, head over to chadcheese.com.
Listen to the Chad and Cheese podcast
Click the show icon below to listen to episodes of the Chad & Cheese podcast.