If you have ever put together a puzzle, you know how challenging it can be. There are hundreds of tiny pieces that have to be put into place. Otherwise your final picture won’t be perfect, or you won’t even be able to finish it. Driver recruiting campaigns are just like a puzzle. If you don’t have every necessary component in place for your driver recruiting puzzle, you won’t have the complete and comprehensive driver recruiting campaigns necessary to succeed.
By creating comprehensive driver recruiting campaigns that incorporate marketing capabilities and techniques, you can ensure that you are moving drivers through the recruiting lifecycle.
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1. Print
Print is still a big part of driver recruiting. In the 2014 Connectivity Study conducted by Overdrive, 53% of owner operators surveyed said that they would choose print over any other form of media. Not only do drivers read trade publications, but they are consistently one of the main resources drivers use when searching for jobs.
You also need to remember that although we live in a super connected world not everyone has a smartphone or a laptop. Not everyone is as connected as you are. You can’t afford to exclude these drivers. Print media offers you the perfect opportunity to reach a broad audience and build brand awareness.
While print media is struggling to stay afloat in many industries, it is still an important part of any driver recruiting campaign.
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2. Owned Content
You can’t always rely on other brands to push your message. While advertising is important, there is also a lot of noise, and it is easy for your message to get lost. You need to make sure your message stands out. Your fleet can build its own brand and improve its image by utilizing owned content.
Blog articles, white papers, videos, social media channels, and other mediums can be used to cover topics that are relevant to drivers. This will allow you to engage prospective hires even before they are ready to apply for an open position.
Through your content you are ensuring that drivers are getting to know you even before you ask them to apply.
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3. Multiple Ways to Convert
Being able to convert an audience of drivers into applicants is the singular goal of any driver recruiting strategy. There are a few different ways to convert your prospects into applicants, and you need to make sure that you know how they will affect your campaign’s success.
First you need to have a moment of self reflection. You have to establish what kind of lead you want to generate from your recruiting campaign. There are three major types of driver leads: long form applications, short form submissions, and telephone calls. Each one of these rely on different conversion methods to accomplish these tasks. For instance, for telephone call leads you would use click-to-call ads versus custom landing pages for form submission leads.
It’s important that you take the time to try each method of lead generation. Track the analytics and determine which method has the best cost per hire rate among the different types of drivers you need. Because different kinds of drivers consume media differently, you can determine which method works best for your fleet.
Understanding the different ways to convert prospects into leads allows you to understand exactly how to build an effective campaign.
Your driver recruiting campaigns are important to the success of your fleet. They ultimately determine whether or not your fleet can keep enough trucks on the road to stay afloat. By introducing marketing techniques into your driver recruiting strategy, you can ensure you have all the pieces you need to develop a successful, comprehensive driver recruiting campaign.