Your Advertising: From a Driver’s Point of View

Advertising from a Driver's Point of View

The easiest way to recruit new drivers is to do the things you have always done, right? This is very common when advertising for new drivers. Your company uses the same language, images, and themes and your ads follow the same old formula; show off all you’ve got. Per Albert Einstein, “the definition of insanity […]

Tackling the Complexities of Paid Search Advertising

Complexities of Paid Driver Recruiting Search

These days, the power of paid search advertising (also known as pay-per-click) is no secret. According to a Forrester Research company known as Jupiter Research, 81% of users find their desired destination through a search engine. So there’s no doubt about the wide usage of search engines. What may not be widely known is the […]

The Second Step to Humanizing Your Recruiting Process

Humanize Your Recruiting pt 2

We’ve discussed the necessity of adding a human touch to your recruiting. As I mentioned previously, no driver wants to be seen as a number or nothing more than another body to fill an empty truck. So it’s important that your recruiting makes a driver feel like a valued individual. Last time, we talked about […]

The First Step to Humanizing Your Recruiting Process

Humanize Your Recruiting

There’s a driver shortage. You know this. We know this. But are you underestimating how aware drivers are of this? Your desperation to hire drivers shows in your recruiting process. Drivers can see that you’re not looking to hire a person or gain a valuable addition to your team. You want a number. One more […]

Why Video is Great for Recruiting Drivers

Use Video for Recruiting

When it comes to driver recruiting, you do a lot to convince drivers you’re the right pick. You empathize with their pain and offer solutions. You cater to their interests. You demonstrate how what you offer is the right match for their needs and preferences. Despite all your efforts, you still fall short when it […]

Cut Down on Lost Leads

Cut Down on Lost Leads

Congratulations! Your strategy for generating driver leads is a success. You’re putting your budget in the right places and getting the attention of the right drivers. How wonderful would life be if the process ended there? But it doesn’t. You may be generating a lot of leads but how many of those are turning into […]

Nominations Now Open for 2018 Trucking’s Top Rookie Award

Trucking's Top Rookie Nominations Open

Nominations are now open for the 2018 Mike O’Connell Trucking’s Top Rookie Award presented by Truckers News. Ten finalists will be named July 30, and 2018’s top rookie will be announced Aug. 24 at the Great American Truck Show in Dallas. All nominations are due in to Truckers News by the close of business at […]

How to Stay on Top of the Shrinking Driver Pool

Drivers Wanted ad

This year, a concern has been raised in the driver recruiting world and it’s bringing up very specific questions, many of which we’ve heard from our clients. Why is cost-per-hire going up? Why is cost-per-lead more? Why is the number of hires going down though there’s been no change in yearly/monthly budget? It would be […]

A Comprehensive Look at Retargeting for Recruiting

Recruiting with Retargeting

The average conversion rate for websites is slightly over 2%. So only about 2% of website visitors convert when they visit websites. Through the results of our recruiting lead generation efforts, we’ve found the percentage is a little higher for drivers. 10-15% of drivers convert. Though that percentage is better than the general conversion rate, […]

6 Tips for Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

Connecting with Drivers on Mobile

In the not-too-distant past, there would have been a need to devote this first paragraph to proving the prevalence of mobile phones. But these days, you can see for yourself. Smartphones have gone from being a luxury to a necessity for the general public. 77% of Americans are smartphone owners. And that percentage includes drivers. […]