4 Effective Recruiting Methods You May be Underutilizing

Recruiting truck drivers is a constant struggle. The demand for drivers still outweighs the current supply. Today’s fleet numbers are constantly in flux, almost continuously gaining and losing drivers. To be successful, companies and their recruiting partners must have an effective recruiting strategy. There are many ways to approach recruiting and it’s very easy to […]
Content Marketing is the Secret Weapon for Effective Recruiting

Recruiting qualified truck drivers can be difficult and extremely competitive. Trucking fleets and their recruiting partners must find a way to capture a prospective driver’s attention. Everyday people are flooded with ads across all forms of media. The drivers that fleets are looking for are no different. The average prospect sees between 300 and 3,000 […]
Could Women be the Answer to the Driver Shortage?

Everyone is well aware of the current driver shortage the trucking industry is facing. The problem could be on the verge of getting even worse. The amount of freight shipped in the United States is growing by leaps and bounds. It is now estimated that the country will need 96,000 new drivers per year to […]
What Does UberFreight Mean for Driver Recruiting?

Over the last several years an interesting business model has emerged. On-demand services of every kind have sprung up and permeated our culture. Everything from how we enjoy entertainment, order food, and get around town has evolved. Uber is practically the poster child for this on-demand movement. The whole appeal really boils down to a […]
What Truckers Want

The number of active truck drivers continues to fall well short of the overall industry demand. Fleets and recruiters across the country are constantly searching for new ways to attract and keep qualified drivers. One of the best ways to find out how to attract a new crop of drivers is to see what the […]
The Single Greatest Mistake Being Made On Driver Recruiting Landing Pages

[box]Today ‘s article is a guest post written by Brian Pohuski. As manager of Interaction Design at Randall-Reilly, Brian’s team builds and optimizes thousands of campaign websites, mircrosites, and landing pages – reaching millions of visitors per month. He is passionate about user experience, obsessed with information architecture, and proud to be a third-generation coder.[/box] […]
Nominations Open For Trucking’s Top Rookie Award

The search for Trucking’s Top Rookie is under way. Presented by Truckers News, the goal of the contest is to identify and recognize the best professional truck driver who has been on the job for less than a year. Pictured Above: Chris Crowell, 2016’s Trucking’s Top Rookie winner Make your online nominations here for this year’s […]
3 Reasons Facebook Is a Major Factor in Driver Recruiting

The trucking industry is currently facing a big problem. A huge number of drivers are leaving or have already left the workforce. Older, more seasoned drivers are retiring in droves. Throw in the fact that the average age of drivers is now up to 49 years old, and it doesn’t look like the problem will […]
Is Facebook the Future of Recruiting?

Facebook is rolling out a bevy of new job-related functionality. If your company has a Facebook page, you can now post job openings free of charge. For those seeking a job, you can see a slew of available gigs in your area. Here’s a screengrab of a recent job we posted on our Facebook page. […]
Lead-to-Hire, Lead-to-Fail, Driver Recruiting Holy Grail

There’s no denying it: Failure feels bad. Losing hurts. Missing the mark is always unpleasant. But all the motivational quotes about failure, learning from mistakes, and using misfires as an impetus for pivoting toward success — they’re all true. Failure gives you tangible, tested proof of what doesn’t work — which is step one toward […]