What Can Stratas Do for You?

Technology should simplify your talent acquisition, not make it more complicated. Stratas combines 5 modules to streamline your recruiting and make it easier to hire better and grow your business.
Simplify Your Recruiting

Stratas is Randall Reilly’s all-new modular platform designed with you in mind and built from the ground up to help simplify your recruiting process.
The Currency of Fleet Reputation (Part 2)

In a recent survey by Truckers News, the most popular way for a driver to research a fleet was by talking to other drivers. The second most popular method was looking at online reviews from other drivers! Almost 70% of all research done by drivers is just finding out if other drivers would recommend your fleet! All signs point to your referral rate being the truest measurement of a driver’s sentiment towards your brand.
6 Losing Strategies for Fleet Growth: Strategy 1

As we’ve already talked about, the industry is in a crazy place. If you need more information on that topic, check out our first article in that series here. If you want to win, your recruiting needs to be nearly perfect. This new series will show you 6 strategies to avoid if you want any […]
5 ways to make your video marketing strategy shine

Video marketing is a major tactic for drawing attention to your brand and engaging prospects. It’s strategically flexible and lets you create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey and even build on existing content that you’ve already produced. The need to up your video marketing game is only increasing: Global internet traffic from […]
Are You Ready for the Google Ads Partnership Program Changes?

[acf field=”embed_code”] Google Ads changes their Partnership Program, making membership more competitive (and you better make sure you play by their rules). Do you like your shiny Google Partner Badge? Awesome. But if you want to keep that badge in 2021 and beyond you better make sure you’re up to speed with the changes Google […]
Understanding Lead Velocity is Crucial

[acf field=”embed_code”] What is Lead Velocity Again? Lead velocity is just a fancy way of saying how long it takes your fleet to take a prospective driver from form submission to orientation. On average our clients see a 33 day lead velocity. Digging into the data we find that almost without exception the hires for […]
Keeping Your Fleet Top of Mind During the Coronavirus Pandemic

[acf field=”embed_code”] It appears there may finally be some light at the end of the tunnel! Restrictions are being eased in states that meet guidelines set forth by the White House and CDC and it appears that we may actually be on our way to recovery, or at the very least reopening and beginning the […]
3 Quick Tips for Driver Recruiting from Home

[acf field=”embed_code”] Many fleets have sent those who can, to work from home. Included in this group, would-be recruiters. Any time you change the routine it adds some challenges. Here are 3 quick tips to help you be more efficient while recruiting from home. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] 1. Record Branded and Professional […]
3 Coronavirus Changes that Can Lead Fleets to Success Moving Forward

[acf field=”embed_code”] It goes without saying that lately has been a challenging time. But amidst all of the infections, death, and panic caused by the coronavirus outbreak, there have been extraordinary examples of kindness, goodness, and human decency. College students have mobilized and offered to help shop for the most vulnerable among us. Police departments […]