Why Isn’t Your Recruiting Landing Page Generating More Conversions?

Landing pages have come to serve a vital role in the digital age of driver recruiting. The whole purpose of landing pages is to help drive leads and conversions. In a perfect world, a prospective driver finds their way to your landing page (whether through search ads, social media, etc.) and once there, they’re presented […]
Which Lead Attribution Model is Right for Your Recruiting?

How can you know which campaigns, or specific channels within a driver recruiting campaign are working? Monitoring where leads and conversions are coming from allows you to see which campaigns or channels are performing and which ones aren’t. Accurate lead attribution leads to more efficient spend allocations. In the big picture, lead attribution tracks and […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Driver Recruiting

Fleets and their recruiting partners have tried many different methods to try to land the drivers they need. There are more options available to today’s fleets than ever before. Whether using radio or print ads such as in years past, or embracing the newer digital options such as email, social media, search, and display ads, […]
To Get the Drivers You Need, You Must Target the Right Drivers

There are many variables to truck driver recruiting, but one of the most crucial ones is also one that often gets overlooked. Trucking is a massive industry and is made up of a diverse group of people with varying skill sets and experiences. This is exactly why one of the most important things to remember […]
Which Recruiting Lead Types are Right for You?

Fleets and their recruiting partners have several options for how they acquire the leads they need. These tactics can all have their own advantages and disadvantages. The key to determining which leads types work best for you. Let’s briefly touch on some of the more prevalent ways fleets come into leads. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px […]
Owner-Operators vs. Company Drivers

When talking about driver recruiting it’s important to recognize the differences and similarities in the two main subsets of drivers. Owner-operators and company drivers. [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] Just as with fleets themselves, both sets of drivers have different needs and goals. Knowing what they have in common and where they differ can be helpful to fleets and […]
Winning at Truck Driver Recruiting With Performance Marketing

Performance marketing has changed the way modern marketers are approaching digital marketing and it’s easy to see why. For years marketers actually paid in advance for the ad placements with absolutely no guarantee as to how effective it would be. The primary goal was to get it in front of as many eyes as possible […]
Effective Driver Recruiting Content Starts With Quality

Today’s trucking fleets are all competing for the same drivers. Whether you are just trying to net the most quality drivers possible or more focused on specifically landing more niche drivers (flatbed, team, women, or former military), fleets need to find a way to reach the desired prospective drivers. One way fleets and recruiters can […]
The Top 4 Digital Trends for Recruiting Truck Drivers

Recruiting truck drivers can be daunting and that’s understandable.Recruiting truck drivers is not exactly the easiest thing to do these days. But there’s hope. Light at the end of the tunnel, if you will. Looking at the big trends that affect driver recruiting can give you insight into some of the best ways to reach […]
How Can Driver Recruiters Reach the Millennials?

As each year passes, more and more qualified and experienced drivers are approaching retirement. The industry has been hit with a shortage that is being exacerbated by truckers leaving the industry at a higher rate than they can be replaced. According to the ATA’s Truck Driver Shortage Analysis From 2015 (PDF), the average age of […]