Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting with Dave | “The Currency of Fleet Reputation”

The Currency of Fleet Reputation

Dave is back with an all-new installment of Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting. This time he sits down with Randall-Reilly’s Vice President of Sales, Recruiting, Seth Becker. Together they discuss just how important your fleet’s reputation is and how it can play an integral role in the success or failure of your truck driver recruiting efforts.

The Currency of Fleet Reputation | Digging Deeper

The Currency of Fleet Reputation

Dave is back with an all-new installment of Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting. This time he sits down with Randall-Reilly’s Vice President of Sales, Recruiting, Seth Becker. Together they discuss just how important your fleet’s reputation is and how it can play an integral role in the success or failure of your truck driver recruiting efforts.

Digging Deeper into Driver Recruiting with Dave | “How Do You Think About Your Leads?”

How Do You Think About Lead-to-Hire Data?

In the premiere episode of Digging Deeper with Dave, David sits down to have an in-depth conversation with one of Randall-Reilly’s resident data gurus, Data Analytics Manager, McKensie Worley. McKensie and Dave will discuss what valuable information can be found by really…diving deep into the recruiting data (see what I did there?). So, how do you think about your leads? Are you getting all that can out of them? Check out the conversation and learn more now!

How Do You Think About Your Leads? | Digging Deeper

How Do You Think About Lead-to-Hire Data?

In the premiere episode of Digging Deeper with Dave, David sits down to have an in-depth conversation with one of Randall-Reilly’s resident data gurus, Data Analytics Manager, McKensie Worley. McKensie and Dave will discuss what valuable information can be found by really…diving deep into the recruiting data (see what I did there?). So, how do you think about your leads? Are you getting all that can out of them? Check out the conversation and learn more now!

Quick Driver Recruiting Tips from Quarantine – Tip #3

Quick Driver Recruiting Tip

[acf field=”embed_code_3″] [acf field=”embed_code”] Welcome back for another quick tip from quarantine! This week David covers some smart moves to make while your recruiters are covering calls from home. Don’t forget to check out our previous tips too! Quick Tip #1 Quick Tip #2

Quick Driver Recruiting Tips from Quarantine – Tip #2

Quick Driver Recruiting Tip

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] David is back with another quick tip from quarantine! How many leads should you be supplying to your driver recruiters? Dave knows the answer. Watch and find out more. Miss the first tip? You can find it here.

How Has the Coronavirus Changed Driver Recruiting?

How Has Coronavirus Changed Driver Recruiting - Scott Maldonado Interview

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] The outbreak of coronavirus has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. It seems no business or industry has been left untouched. Driver recruiting is no exception. For this week’s Randall-Reilly Review I sat down to talk with Randall-Reilly’s VP of Trucking Operations, Scott Maldonado. Scott works with fleets all over […]

Quick Driver Recruiting Tips from Quarantine – Tip #1

Quick Driver Recruiting Tip

[acf field=”embed_code_2″] [acf field=”embed_code”] If you have trouble finding time to read a full article or watch a lengthy video, we’ve got you covered. David is here to save the day with his Driver Recruiting Quick Tips series. Today we get started with Tip #1.

The Impact of the Coronavirus on Trucking’s Owner-Operators

The Impact from Coronavirus on Owner-Operators

[acf field=”embed_code_2″][acf field=”embed_code”]Over the past few weeks, we’ve taken a look at how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the trucking industry both at the fleet and driver level. This week we focus again on the driver impact, but more specifically on how the current situation affects trucking’s owner-operators. Overdrive Senior Editor, Todd Dills, sits down […]

Truckers and Coronavirus: A Conversation with David Hollis

How has Coronavirus Impacted Truck Drivers?

[acf field=”embed_code”] [acf field=”embed_code_2″] For this week’s Randall-Reilly Review video, we sit down and have an in-depth conversation with Truckers News and She Drives Trucks editor, David Hollis. We talk about how drivers are responding, how the business has adapted, a few positive stories, and everything in between!