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What Truck Drivers Want

What do drivers really want?

Fleets and recruiters across the country are constantly searching for new ways to attract and keep qualified drivers. One of the best ways to find out how to attract a new crop of drivers is to see what the current ones are saying about the state of things. After all, who would know better than […]

How to Benchmark Your Online Truck Driver Recruiting Advertising

Benchmark Your Driver Recruiting Advertising

Listen to the article: When it comes to advertising online, it can be difficult to tell if your efforts are really working. You get this report from your vendor that shows all these results and metrics, but it can be hard to determine which of these results truly indicate success. It leaves you wondering if […]

How to Effectively Target Truck Drivers

How to Effectively Target Drivers

Keeping your trucks on the road with the drivers you need is a difficult task. The driver pool of quality drivers is limited and every time a competing fleet hires a driver that limited pool becomes even smaller. How can you keep from falling behind? Today’s video will cover a few ways to help you […]

How Efficient is Your Driver Recruiting Process?

The Efficiency of Your Recruiting Lifecycle

Are you efficient at managing your leads? You might say “yes” or “no” or you might not be sure. But the real proof of whether you are or not is in the number of hires you are able to produce. Even if you have the tightest, most buttoned-up recruiting process, changes and advancements in the […]

5 Characteristics of Successful Truck Driver Recruiting

Characteristics of Recruiting (Article)

As the competition continues to ramp up for quality drivers, fleets and their recruiting partners will need to be efficient and effective to successfully land the drivers they need. But what does that mean? What does an effective and efficient recruiting strategy look like and what does it entail?

Defining the Right Driver

Defining the Right Driver

Listen to the article: Efficient recruiting starts with finding the right drivers for your fleet. That seems like an obvious statement. But if it really is, why do some fleets fall short in that area? Why do they end up with bad leads or have qualified leads slip through their fingers? The issue is that […]

Why Aren’t Your Driver Leads Converting?

Why Aren't Your Driver Leads Closing__

Listen to the article: There are a myriad of possible reasons a lead may not work out for you, but from all of our dealings with fleets over the years we’ve come up with a couple major reasons or roadblocks as to why your driver leads aren’t converting. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px 0px”] Roadblocks […]

What Really Affects Your Cost-Per-Hire?

What Really Affects Your Cost-Per-Hire?

Listen to the article: When you are trying to increase the efficiency of your recruiting strategy, it makes sense to get as much out of your recruiting budget as possible. So one of every fleet’s main goals is to hire as many drivers as possible at minimal cost. This makes the metric of cost-per-hire highly […]

Building a Driver-Centric Culture

Building a Driver-Centric Culture

When the focus of recruiting is simply to fill an empty truck, it is easy to overlook the truck driver. A driver becomes nothing more than a number to your fleet when you focus on their capability to deliver a load and ignore their well-being, future at the company, or the state of the environment […]

Technology’s Place in Your Recruiting

Using technology for driver recruiting

Listen to the article: We live in such a technology-driven world that it’s impossible to run your business without it. Think of all your processes: how you capture and manage leads, how you measure results, your ATS, etc. Technology plays a big part in your fleet. There’s also the matter of how you reach drivers. […]