Your Lead Attribution Has Been Weighed, Measured…and Found Wanting

Do you know where your driver leads are coming from? Being able to accurately track data and measure exactly where your leads are coming from allows you to pursue and hire more QUALITY drivers. In today’s video we’ll cover some of the most common attribution models used to track leads today. Listen to the Audio […]
Recruiting Truck Drivers on Mobile Devices

In today’s world to stay competitive your truck driver recruiting needs to be mobile-friendly. The era when mobile-friendliness was simply an option to consider adding to your truck driver recruiting is over. So what steps do you need to take to make sure your recruiting efforts are optimized to reach drivers on mobile devices? That’s […]
Why Aren’t Your Truck Driver Recruiting Landing Pages Generating More Leads?

Many fleets, perhaps yours included, aren’t getting the conversions they expect out of their recruiting landing pages. So, what’s the problem? They’re getting the traffic. Drivers are making it to the landing page, but for some reason they just aren’t taking the next step. What’s the problem? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about […]
Facebook and Your Truck Driver Recruiting Strategy

With veteran drivers retiring and the industry continuing to grow, fleets need drivers now more than ever. Which means drivers are in extremely high demand. Where are these drivers? Like everyone else, they’re on Facebook.
3 Ways to Build a More Efficient Truck Driver Recruiting Budget

We often talk about ways to improve your recruiting campaigns or how to get the most out of your campaign spend. One thing that tends to get less attention is the overall spend itself. Your recruiting budget.Over the years, we’ve come to find that if your driver recruiting budget is falling short and you aren’t […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Fleet’s Driver Recruiting

When it comes to truck driver recruiting, all trucking fleets have essentially the same goal: find, target, and hire the right truck drivers for their fleet. That’s where things get tricky. What can you do to make sure you’re not only targeting and reaching the quality drivers your fleet needs, but hiring them as well? […]
How to Benchmark Your Online Truck Driver Recruiting Advertising

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] When it comes to advertising online, it can be difficult to tell if your efforts are really working. You get this report from your vendor that shows all these results and metrics, but it can be hard to determine which of these results truly indicate success. It leaves you […]
How to Effectively Target Truck Drivers

[acf field=”embed_code”] Keeping your trucks on the road with the drivers you need is a difficult task. The driver pool of quality drivers is limited and every time a competing fleet hires a driver that limited pool becomes even smaller. How can you keep from falling behind? Today’s video will cover a few ways to […]
Defining the Right Driver

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Efficient recruiting starts with finding the right drivers for your fleet. That seems like an obvious statement. But if it really is, why do some fleets fall short in that area? Why do they end up with bad leads or have qualified leads slip through their fingers? The issue […]
What Really Affects Your Cost-Per-Hire?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] When you are trying to increase the efficiency of your recruiting strategy, it makes sense to get as much out of your recruiting budget as possible. So one of every fleet’s main goals is to hire as many drivers as possible at minimal cost. This makes the metric of […]