Why Video is Great for Recruiting Drivers
When it comes to driver recruiting, you do a lot to convince drivers you’re the right pick. You empathize with their pain and offer solutions. You cater to their interests. You demonstrate how what you offer is the right match for their needs and preferences. Despite all your efforts, you still fall short when it […]
Why Aren’t You Reaching Your Recruiting Goals?
Nothing is more frustrating than putting time, effort, and money into your recruiting and still falling well short of your goals. Unfortunately, this is a feeling that many trucking fleets know all to well. Fleets want drivers. They need drivers. You need drivers. And there are drivers out there. So, why are so many finding […]
A Comprehensive Look at Retargeting for Recruiting
The average conversion rate for websites is slightly over 2%. So only about 2% of website visitors convert when they visit websites. Through the results of our recruiting lead generation efforts, we’ve found the percentage is a little higher for drivers. 10-15% of drivers convert. Though that percentage is better than the general conversion rate, […]
Successful Recruiting at Trade Shows
Trade shows provide a unique chance to meet and interact with drivers. Being able to have personal interactions with the very people you are pursuing is not something to take for granted. Some, however, still find it difficult to take advantage of the recruiting opportunities these trade shows and events have to offer. Regardless of […]
Is Your Social Media Advertising Reaching Drivers?
The list of social media platforms is constantly growing. The popularity and usage of each platform on that list is constantly growing. The number of drivers who fit your hiring criteria who happen to be using each platform on that list is constantly . . .you get the idea. This constant growth creates endless opportunities […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Driver Recruiting
Fleets and their recruiting partners have tried many different methods to try to land the drivers they need. There are more options available to today’s fleets than ever before. Whether using radio or print ads such as in years past, or embracing the newer digital options such as email, social media, search, and display ads, […]
Owner-Operators vs. Company Drivers
When talking about driver recruiting it’s important to recognize the differences and similarities in the two main subsets of drivers. Owner-operators and company drivers. [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] Just as with fleets themselves, both sets of drivers have different needs and goals. Knowing what they have in common and where they differ can be helpful to fleets and […]
Are Your Numbers Lying to You?
There are many options available to fleets and their recruiting partners when it comes to how they approach their recruiting efforts. There are many viable options and approaches available. With so many possibilities out there, how can you get the most for your money? Some have become fixated on numbers such as cost per lead […]
How Can Driver Recruiters Reach the Millennials?
As each year passes, more and more qualified and experienced drivers are approaching retirement. The industry has been hit with a shortage that is being exacerbated by truckers leaving the industry at a higher rate than they can be replaced. According to the ATA’s Truck Driver Shortage Analysis From 2015 (PDF), the average age of […]
3 Ways to Improve Your Driver Recruiting with Marketing Principles
What exactly does marketing have to do with driver recruiting? On the face of it, they seem like two entirely separate subjects. Marketing is all about reaching potential customers and if successful, hopefully forming a positive relationship with them. Does that sound familiar? What if we replace customers with drivers? “Reaching potential customers (drivers) and […]