We all know fleets are hurting for drivers right now, but there is another area that fleets are struggling with as well. As important as it is to find drivers to man the trucks and keep them moving, it’s just as important to have qualified diesel techs to maintain those trucks.
With increased competition from other sectors such as the wind energy and mining industries, fleets have to be proactive and broaden their strategy to find and successfully recruit the technicians they need. Randall-Reilly can help you on your journey to find exactly who you need with a proven two-pronged strategy.
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1. Find Diesel Techs with Dieseltechjobs.com
When it comes to job hunting today, a lot of people turn to the internet. Many look for specific posting on job boards in particular. With that in mind, dieseltechjobs.com was created.
The site pre-qualifies leads and filters them based on what an applicant enters into the online form. For example, if your company requires an ASE A certification, then only those applicants who check the ASE A certification box on the form will be sent on to you as a lead. All others who do not have the certification, or fail to meet any other criteria you have specified, will be eliminated.
As a diesel tech continues to use the site, he or she will only be prompted with jobs for which they are qualified. This allows us to match prospective technicians to the fleets that need them more effectively.
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2. Target Diesel Techs with Email and Online Platforms
Anytime a diesel tech is online is a valuable opportunity to try and reach them. With that in mind, you can specifically target platforms like Google Search, Google Display, Facebook, and LinkedIn with information available from Randall-Reilly’s technician database.
The technician database currently contains information on a quarter million technicians and is growing all the time. The database is able to find technicians through the records of tool financing. Because of this, the database contains information for not only diesel technicians, but also consumer auto technicians that may be a good fit for any entry level diesel technician positions you are looking to fill. In addition to targeting online with the database, you can launch email campaigns as well.
The two-pronged approach of first, using dieseltechjobs.com to filter out and find the most promising techs applying for jobs and second, targeting techs through email and platform use with the technician database can lead to positive results in your recruiting efforts.
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A Diesel Technician Recruiting Success Story
So, how does all this work in a real world scenario? Let’s look at what happened for our client Transervice. They were in need of diesel technicians. To help them reach their goal, a plan was formulated based off their specific needs and requirements. They needed experienced technicians to fill positions that had very specific requirements. In addition, they needed to locate and hire diesel technicians in specific areas across both the United States and Canada.
In their case, a mix of Facebook advertising, job aggregators, and geo-targeting was used to deliver the best possible results. The campaign was a great success for Transervice leading to a significant increase in applications and allowed them to fill all the open positions.

Utilizing Technology to Attract Experienced Technicians
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What to Do Next for Your Diesel Tech Recruiting
The two methods discussed can be highly effective ways to find and target exactly who you are looking for.
1. Dieseltechjobs.com
- Only techs matching your requirements will be qualified as leads.
- As users continue to use the site, they will receive prompts only for jobs that for which they qualify.
- This filtering process helps to streamline the job search and get the right techs to the fleets in need.
2. Target Diesel Techs with Email and Online Platforms
- Target diesel techs on various online platforms based on Randall-Reillys technician database.
- Use the technician database to identify prospects and launch an email campaign.
Results from dieseltechjobs.com paired with performance marketing targeting can be exactly what your fleet needs to hire exactly the diesel techs you are looking for.
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