Cut Down on Lost Leads

Congratulations! Your strategy for generating driver leads is a success. You’re putting your budget in the right places and getting the attention of the right drivers. How wonderful would life be if the process ended there? But it doesn’t. You may be generating a lot of leads but how many of those are turning into […]
Stop Letting Your Leads Grow Cold

Leads, leads, leads! When it comes to driver recruiting that seems like all anyone ever wants to talk about. How many leads can I get? How much will it cost me? And to be fair those are good questions to ask, but they’re not the only questions you should be asking. For instance, are those […]
Do You Know Why Your Campaign is REALLY Failing?

Everyone knows campaign tracking is important. But when it comes down to it, most fleets are only using tracking to try and save money instead of figuring out why their campaigns are failing. If your campaign is floundering, do you know why? Do you try to find out or do you just pull the plug […]
Why Aren’t You Reaching Your Recruiting Goals?

Nothing is more frustrating than putting time, effort, and money into your recruiting and still falling well short of your goals. Unfortunately, this is a feeling that many trucking fleets know all to well. Fleets want drivers. They need drivers. You need drivers. And there are drivers out there. So, why are so many finding […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Target Phase

With this, the final installment of our flipping the recruiting funnel series we end at the beginning. The target phase. If you’re not up to speed, you can check back on our articles covering the recruiting funnel and average lifetime value, as well as the convert, engage, and connect phases. But this week is all […]
Nominations for 2018 Trucking’s Top Rookie Award Closing Soon!

Your window of opportunity to nominate your pick for the 2018 Trucking’s Top Rookie Award is closing soon! All nominations must be submitted to Truckers News by 5 p.m. ET Friday, June 29, 2018. That’s this Friday! If you haven’t nominated your pick for this year’s top rookie you still have time. [box] Nominees will […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Connect Phase

Welcome back to the flipping the recruiting funnel series. This week we will be taking a closer look at the connect phase. If you’re new to the series and want to catch up on anything you’ve missed you can refer back to the previous articles covering the recruiting funnel, average lifetime value, convert, and engage […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Engage Phase

We’ve been discussing the idea of approaching your recruiting in a different manner the past several weeks. We’ve already covered the basic idea of flipping the recruiting funnel and the concept of average lifetime value. Last week we began covering the funnel itself with the convert phase. This week we move on to the engage […]
Flipping the Recruiting Funnel – Convert Phase

Welcome back to our ongoing series covering the recruiting funnel. The purpose of these articles is to try and help you gain a new perspective on how you approach and think about your driver recruiting. Flipping the funnel and beginning at the end will help you identify and keep your goals in mind. We’ve already […]
Nominations Now Open for 2018 Trucking’s Top Rookie Award

Nominations are now open for the 2018 Mike O’Connell Trucking’s Top Rookie Award presented by Truckers News. Ten finalists will be named July 30, and 2018’s top rookie will be announced Aug. 24 at the Great American Truck Show in Dallas. All nominations are due in to Truckers News by the close of business at […]