The Four Principles of Marketing | Digging Deeper

The Four Principles of Marketing

Dave welcomes his all-time favorite guest for a very special edition of Digging Deeper. He and his mystery guest (watch to find out who it is) will cover the core principles of marketing, and go over how they can be applied to driver recruiting.

Who is Randall Reilly?

Randall Reilly Updated Logo

Founded in 1934 by Pettus Randall, Randall Reilly has grown from a small publisher into a thriving company at the cutting edge of data and analytics-driven technology.

Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 2)

More Mistakes Driver Recruiters Should Avoid

Today we continue our Randall-Reilly Review video series covering some common mistakes your driver recruiters need to avoid. Being well-informed and knowing what NOT to do can help your recruiters better utilize their time and make the most of their recruiting conversations. Miss part one? No problem! You can check it out at any time […]

What Can LeadConnect Do for You?

Using LeadConnect with Your Driver Recruiting

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] I recently wrote an article called Reducing the Friction in Your Recruiting. Throughout the article I discussed various ways you might try to streamline your recruiting process and run more efficiently. Within the article I mentioned a few of the methods Randall-Reilly has developed to help people just like […]

Tackling the Complexities of Paid Search Advertising

Complexities of Paid Driver Recruiting Search

These days, the power of paid search advertising (also known as pay-per-click) is no secret. According to a Forrester Research company known as Jupiter Research, 81% of users find their desired destination through a search engine. So there’s no doubt about the wide usage of search engines. What may not be widely known is the […]

3 Ways to Improve Your Driver Recruiting with Marketing Principles

Driver Recruiting

What exactly does marketing have to do with driver recruiting? On the face of it, they seem like two entirely separate subjects. Marketing is all about reaching potential customers and if successful, hopefully forming a positive relationship with them. Does that sound familiar? What if we replace customers with drivers? “Reaching potential customers (drivers) and […]

4 Effective Recruiting Methods You May be Underutilizing

4 Effective Recruiting Methods

Recruiting truck drivers is a constant struggle. The demand for drivers still outweighs the current supply. Today’s fleet numbers are constantly in flux, almost continuously gaining and losing drivers. To be successful, companies and their recruiting partners must have an effective recruiting strategy. There are many ways to approach recruiting and it’s very easy to […]

Content Marketing is the Secret Weapon for Effective Recruiting

Content Marketing Used for Recruiting

Recruiting qualified truck drivers can be difficult and extremely competitive. Trucking fleets and their recruiting partners must find a way to capture a prospective driver’s attention. Everyday people are flooded with ads across all forms of media. The drivers that fleets are looking for are no different. The average prospect sees between 300 and 3,000 […]

Four Common Recruiting Mistakes We See

Trouble recruiting drivers? We can help you recruit truck drivers the right way.

We work with a broad array of clients to help them generate more driver leads. We helped drive more than 1 million leads last year, in fact.   Working with so many clients gives us unique insight into the world of truck driver recruiting. We see it all! We see what strategies work, and we […]