Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 3)

Make Sure Your Recruiters Avoid these Mistakes

To get the most out of your driver recruiting you need to know what kind of pitfalls to avoid. That’s exactly what we’ve been going over for the past few weeks. Today we wrap up our series with Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 3). Listen to the Audio Version Watch Parts 1 […]

Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 2)

More Mistakes Driver Recruiters Should Avoid

Today we continue our Randall-Reilly Review video series covering some common mistakes your driver recruiters need to avoid. Being well-informed and knowing what NOT to do can help your recruiters better utilize their time and make the most of their recruiting conversations. Miss part one? No problem! You can check it out at any time […]

Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid (Part 1)

Learn Common Mistakes Your Driver Recruiters Need to Avoid

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to pinpoint exactly what the best thing to say is or what approach recruiters should take. In fact, it’s often easier to start by looking at the things you need to avoid. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing over the course of the next few weeks with our […]

4 Ways Small Trucking Fleets Can Build Strong Referral Programs

Creating a Referral Program for Your Small Fleet

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] When it comes to making a good impression on potential hires, your fleet has limitations. You can only say so much in an ad, and your brand may not be that well known. There’s also the chance of truck drivers not believing what you are saying about your own […]

Stop Letting Your Leads Grow Cold

Stop Wasting Leads

Leads, leads, leads! When it comes to driver recruiting that seems like all anyone ever wants to talk about. How many leads can I get? How much will it cost me? And to be fair those are good questions to ask, but they’re not the only questions you should be asking. For instance, are those […]

Are Your Driver Recruiters Missing Opportunities?

Recruiting Warm Transfers

Fleets are constantly looking for ways to garner new quality leads. No matter how successful fleets are at acquiring leads, what they do with those leads and how they handle them is really important. How are your leads being handled by recruiters? In previous articles we’ve discussed some areas that recruiters constantly struggle with. For […]