Young Truck Drivers Are the Key to the Future
Over the past few months we’ve covered the driver shortage a number of times and the current state of the trucking industry. Recruiters are facing difficulties getting the necessary qualified drivers to keep up with the current demand . . . and that demand is only increasing as time goes on. The shortage and the […]
Targeting and Recruiting Today’s Owner-Operators
While not the biggest segment of the truck driver population, owner-operators can be an attractive option for fleets to pursue. With an estimated 40,000 commercial driver licenses issued per month, their numbers will only increase in the future. Fleets who want to benefit from and employ owner-operators first have to know how to reach them. […]
4 Effective Recruiting Methods You May be Underutilizing
Recruiting truck drivers is a constant struggle. The demand for drivers still outweighs the current supply. Today’s fleet numbers are constantly in flux, almost continuously gaining and losing drivers. To be successful, companies and their recruiting partners must have an effective recruiting strategy. There are many ways to approach recruiting and it’s very easy to […]
3 Reasons Facebook Is a Major Factor in Driver Recruiting
The trucking industry is currently facing a big problem. A huge number of drivers are leaving or have already left the workforce. Older, more seasoned drivers are retiring in droves. Throw in the fact that the average age of drivers is now up to 49 years old, and it doesn’t look like the problem will […]
Is Facebook the Future of Recruiting?
Facebook is rolling out a bevy of new job-related functionality. If your company has a Facebook page, you can now post job openings free of charge. For those seeking a job, you can see a slew of available gigs in your area. Here’s a screengrab of a recent job we posted on our Facebook page. […]
Addressing Potential Pain Points in Your Recruiting Content Marketing
Money, miles, and home time are the undisputed ‘big 3’ of truck driver recruiting. Everybody cares about those things. But drivers have plenty of other questions, concerns, expectations, and aspirations that factor into whether or not they apply. Parking, hours of service, life on the road, benefits, perks, industry regulations, the future of trucking … […]
Four New Year’s Resolutions for Driver Recruiters
Though the ball has dropped (much to the chagrin of Mariah Carey and all those folks who got roped into doing the Whole30 Diet), and many of us have already probably faltered in our 2017 goals, there’s still time to make resolutions for the new year. If you’re in the business of recruiting truck drivers, […]
What Does a Randall-Reilly Recruiting Campaign Look Like?
You’re in a bind. You have empty trucks just sitting there, and money’s flying out the door. You need drivers. You need your phones ringing off the hook. You need a plan. Sound familiar? We feel you! We hear some variation of this conundrum every day from clients across the country who are desperate to […]
Driver Appreciation Ideas
In an effort to get a bit more mileage out of the recent “Truck Driver Appreciation Week” — which should ideally be more of a year-round kind of thing — we wanted to devote some space to trucker gratitude. They toil under stressful, often harsh conditions, and they deserve genuine, tangible shows of appreciation. Whether […]
Are You Doing Enough to Recruit Female Drivers?
Everyone’s looking for answers to The Great Driver Shortage. There’s certainly no silver bullet to cure what ails the trucking industry, though attracting a more diverse pool of drivers seems like an excellent place to start. Women, who make up more than 50% of the U.S. population but account for just under 6% of America’s […]