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What’s the Right Number of Driver Recruiters for Your Fleet?

Finding the Right Number of Recruiters

What is the right number of driver recruiters? Is there such a thing? Fleets struggle everyday with this question. It may seem a little daunting, but making sure you have the proper number of recruiters for your operation to reach your goals is essential to your success. [box] Download the Recruiting Budget Calculator [/box]

Driver Recruiting Budget Calculator

Driver Recruiting Budget Calculator

Are you having trouble coming up with an effective and accurate driver recruiting budget? We have you covered! In the first edition of the Randall-Reilly Tool Kit, Seth Becker, walks you through our driver recruiting budget calculator. This free tool was designed with trucking fleets exactly yours in mind. Watch the brief video and download […]

What Truck Drivers Want

What do drivers really want?

Fleets and recruiters across the country are constantly searching for new ways to attract and keep qualified drivers. One of the best ways to find out how to attract a new crop of drivers is to see what the current ones are saying about the state of things. After all, who would know better than […]

Why Video is Great for Recruiting Drivers

Use Video for Recruiting

When it comes to driver recruiting, you do a lot to convince drivers you’re the right pick. You empathize with their pain and offer solutions. You cater to their interests. You demonstrate how what you offer is the right match for their needs and preferences. Despite all your efforts, you still fall short when it […]

How to Stay on Top of the Shrinking Driver Pool

Drivers Wanted ad

This year, a concern has been raised in the driver recruiting world and it’s bringing up very specific questions, many of which we’ve heard from our clients. Why is cost-per-hire going up? Why is cost-per-lead more? Why is the number of hires going down though there’s been no change in yearly/monthly budget? It would be […]

How Can Driver Recruiters Reach the Millennials?

Recruiting Millennials

As each year passes, more and more qualified and experienced drivers are approaching retirement. The industry has been hit with a shortage that is being exacerbated by truckers leaving the industry at a higher rate than they can be replaced. According to the ATA’s Truck Driver Shortage Analysis From 2015 (PDF), the average age of […]

Addressing Potential Pain Points in Your Recruiting Content Marketing

Marketing Automation for Recruiting Truck Drivers

Money, miles, and home time are the undisputed ‘big 3’ of truck driver recruiting. Everybody cares about those things. But drivers have plenty of other questions, concerns, expectations, and aspirations that factor into whether or not they apply. Parking, hours of service, life on the road, benefits, perks, industry regulations, the future of trucking … […]

3 Best Practices for Using Video to Recruit Drivers


Content is an important part of driver recruiting because it is the best way for drivers to engage with you. YouTube is a great vehicle for delivering your content to drivers. It provides a highly visible place to host your videos that will work across almost any type of device. However, you have to be […]

Where Should You Use YouTube Videos to Recruit Drivers?

taking a photo with a phone

As a recruiter, you also have to be a marketer. You probably know this, but it’s important to be reminded every so often. Lately recruiting has been a tough business; so it’s more important than ever to remember you are a marketer. You have a responsibility to keep your trucks on the road by hiring […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Use YouTube to Recruit Drivers

3 Reasons Why You Should Use YouTube to Recruit Drivers 3

The current driver shortage is making things difficult to keep trucks on the road, to say the least. As a driver recruiter you have to be willing to use every resource possible to make sure your trucks keep hauling freight. Marketing offers a number of ways to do this, many of which you are probably […]